Sunday, July 24, 2005

A moment of serious thought

Hopefully you all heard that rumbling sound that roared through the Eastern seaboard a few weeks ago. That was the Founding Fathers -- all of them -- rolling over in their graves when the Supreme Court extended the government's right of Eminent Domain to mean that the State may take a person's real property (if "justly" compensated, of course) and turn it over to a second private "person" (generally a large corporation that can generate higher tax revenue for the government).

Well, turnabout is still fair play. And someone out there has a good sense of humor. Sorry Justice Souter, it looks like New Hampshire could use a little bit of your property...


Anonymous said...

Be afraid, very afraid.

Holy Mother Eph said...

Doesn't Donald Trump use that all the time? Maybe I could abuse it to my advantage as well.

Anonymous said...