Wednesday, July 27, 2005

For Katy Mae

Yum-Yum. Summer time. And is there any time better than summer time for old fashioned pork barbecue?

As a man of many interests and talents, Dear Reader, let me tease your tongue with something new for Occam's Broadsword: Secret recipes from JRF's very own kitchen.

5 lbs. of fresh Pork Butt (or shoulder, or loin, or whatever)
2 bottles of barbecue sauce

Directions: Place Pork in a roasting pan. Pour the two bottles of sauce over the pork. Place lid tightly on the pan. Place in oven set anywhere between 250 and 275. Slow cook all afternoon; about 4 to 5 hours. When you uncover, pull the pork apart with forks. Serve with corn bread, corn on the cob, potatos done your favorite way, and a side cup of more delicious barbecue sauce.

You can't possibly screw this up!


Anonymous said...

You are a disgrace to all who have cooked since man harnessed fire.

Anonymous said...

Will this work on T.Rex meat? I'm going on safari soon and...
BAM! BBQ Dino, baby! Kicking it up a notch!

Anonymous said...

BAM! this

Anonymous said...

Elegant in its simplicity. Bold in its execution. A masterpiece of the culinary art!

Holy Mother Eph said...

Do it in a pressure cooker for an hour and a half and you won't turn your house into a hell-fire furnace in this already record-breaking scorcher of a summer. I was wondering what to cook for dinner...

Anonymous said...

We had a similar recipe when I was in prison, but we used beef in place of pork because of the Muslim population.