Friday, November 18, 2005

Update on Tan Like the Desert Sky

Sadly, Occam's Broadsword has learned that the film version of Chicano classic novel Tan Like The Desert Sky has been indefinitely delayed. Even more sad to say, this will probably scrap the entire production because it will be next to impossible to grab the entire cast (see archived post) again.

The reason is the sky-rocketing ratings for Benjamin Bratt's current TV show E-Ring. Bratt plays a Delta Force operator doing his career-ticket punching stint at the Pentagon. Every week, he manages to find a way to get out from behind his desk and return to the daring-do that Delta Force operators live for. I'm guessing whoever signs-off on Bratt's DoD travel vouchers is a transferred bureaucrat who use to sign-off on the FBI travel vouchers for Mulder and Scully... Anyway, pretty-boy Bratt can't find room in his shooting schedule to squeeze in his role as Victor Castillo, hero of TLTDS.

I can't say as I blame him, after all, Victor doesn't get to play with guns.

Delta Force, the real deal...
Delta Force, the real deal...
Delta Force, the reel deal. Damn, he's pretty.


Anonymous said...

And I vas looking Foward to such a fine product of my state's Film Industry. You Know...

the industry that produced such classics as:



Terminator 2



Conan The Barbarian

Conan the DEstroyer

Red Sonja (in spite of that bitch)


Running Man

(please don't bring up Twins)

jrf said...

Look, I don't know why you had to be gratuitously nasty to Brigitte Nielson.

And do you have a point -- other than the one on top of your head?

Anonymous said...

He is pretty.

Anonymous said...


I'll be back.