Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Talk about your unique antiques...

Here's an interesting story from the BBC. If you're into antiques, it doesn't get much better than this...


  1. Anonymous28/7/05 08:22

    Prehistoric "tool." Good to see the British are keeping their sense of humor right now.

  2. Anonymous28/7/05 09:22

    OK, OK but it begs the question. Who made the tool? A man or a woman? Did he/she make it for his/her woman/man, or his/her friend, or heck for himself/herself? They weren't just hunting and gathering!

  3. Anonymous28/7/05 09:35

    Well, you and I are here -- for better or worse. So I think it's fair to assume they weren't just hunting and gathering.

  4. Anonymous28/7/05 20:07

    Zhis is a perfect example of my theory of sublimation. And zhen to combine zhe tasks of sublimation and sexual gratification...zhis shows cognitive development of early humans! Ingenious! Acht, die lieber! I sink I would like one of zhose artifacts for my personal collection. It is so rare, it is zhe envy of all penis's.

  5. Anonymous29/7/05 07:29

    Siggy, baby, you weren't cast as the villain in 9 Deaths of the Ninja, were you?

    And what were you saying? Your accent was impenetrable?
