Sunday, July 03, 2005

Nice Doggie

I hate zombies. So this really scares me.
It's a little eerie that one possible application for this is to assist those injured on the battlefield. There was a bad movie about this once call Universal Soldier, starring the inimitable (thank goodness) Jean-Claude Van Damme and stoic Dolph Lundgren. Proving that fact is stranger than pulp fiction.


  1. That is so novel...previously sci-fi territory. Logic dictates there were applications for lowering body temperature in emergency situations. We've all heard stories of 'miraculous' resuscitations from people in cold water accidents. It was only a matter of refinement before science invented how this could be used in other situations.

    Love that last line, "fact is stranger than pulp fiction".

  2. Anonymous8/7/05 07:39

    You know I had a mad scientist bring me back from the dead once too.

    Talk about your hangovers.
