Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Snake Eyes, The Silent Master


And now, the final touch to finish my ultra-geeky, handmade, GI Joe Snake Eyes costume for this Halloween. And here I was going to use my plain-old, forged ninjato.

I am so dorky.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Now to pull this costume off completely, you'd better be able to do his voice. Think Carol Channing meets Dirty Harry.

  3. Anonymous7/7/05 11:11


    Snake Eyes is the legendary "Silent Master" for a reason!

    His voicebox and face was ravaged by burning aviation fuel during a rescue mission. He has been able to make little more than a rasping sound for decades. Do not mock this true master of the Arashikage Clan!

  4. Ok, so it's been a while since I've read GI Joe comics and I kind of forgot that Snake Eyes was a good guy. I was thinking of that Cobra Commander guy from the cartoon series when I made that comment. Now I'm recalling how everyone on the playground at recess would fight over who got to be Snake Eyes. Being a girl, my vicarious focus was on Lady J and Scarlet. Yes...I'm an ignorant fool. I shall submit myself to a flogging immediately.

  5. Anonymous8/7/05 14:44

    I was a boy, and my "vicarious focus" was on Lady J and Scarlett.

    Hubba hubba!

  6. Anonymous12/7/05 09:29

    "I was a boy."

    So what are you now?
