Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Kasai Rex

While researching weird stuff to titallate you, Dear Reader, I came across the story of the Kasai Rex. I've been reading about weird phenomena for most of my life, and I had never heard an inkling about this story. Initially, I was excited by a new find. There are reputable scientists who believe it is possible that the African interior, being a close match for prehistoric jungles and all-but-inacessible to modern man, might in fact still harbor a dinosaur species of some sort.

The short and dirty version of the Kasai Rex report is that in the early 20th Century, a safari hunter spotted a Tyrannosaurus Rex (or possibly a Tarbosaurus) near a place called Kasai in the swamps of Africa tearing apart the carcass of a Rhino. The hunter took pictures, but only one developed.

Yeah, right.

This is where Google came in handy. Googling on "Kasai Rex" produced only a handful of results. But they were illuminating. Several reproduced the actual report from the hunter, a short, detailess account that only called the thing a large lizard. The sites also reproduced the photograph. Far from being a T.Rex, let alone the more unique Tarbosaurus, the beast looks more like a gecko superimposed in the scene. Yet several sites, notably ones with agendas to promote, breathlessly believe the account, and do not attempt to do any more than paraphrase the hunter's story.

Is there a T.Rex stalking Africa? If there is, it isn't the so-called "Kasai Rex." It's more likely you'll spot a T.Rex playing ping pong than this story to be true.


  1. Anonymous25/7/05 12:12

    It was really the Red Power Ranger form "Power Rangers Dinothunder"

  2. Anonymous26/7/05 15:32

    That guy's teeth are almost as big as mine!

    Almost as nice a smile, too.

  3. Total farce, unquestionably.

  4. Anonymous28/7/05 10:40

    When you say "total farce," are you talking about the Kasai Rex, or the content on this website?

  5. Anonymous29/7/05 13:31

    The person who claims to have seen the T.Rex... Was he named Calvin, and does he have a stuffed tiger named Hobbes?
