Sunday, June 05, 2005

Freedom of Religion Means "All" Religions

Or should that be "Religion?"

One of the things that separates Humans from the animals is the ability to use tools based on our opposable thumbs. Another is our emotional need for some sort of spiritual experience. Most people find this need filled through conventional religions. Others belong to Charismatic Cults of Snake Handlers. Or they visit Graceland. A few light a bonfire out of a Wicker Man. Or they stay up well past their bedtime to see midnight showings of their Favorite Science Fiction or Fantasy movie. Some worship cut-rate science fiction authors as divine delivers from personal demons -- and let the cult finance the movie later.

Most of these outlets are relatively benign, if offbeat. And at least two of the things on my list are only sarcastically referred to as "religions." (Which two? I'll let you decide.) However, I read this recent article on how some people are making a "religion" out of Eating Disorders. Maybe it hasn't gone as far as people establishing bricks-and-motar churches and filing for tax exempt status, but it shows the early stages of developing into a full-blown spiritual belief system. Don't think it can happen? This is really no stranger than the mystery cults which sprouted all across the First Century Roman Empire; including that one about the pacifist Carpenter who suppossedly rose from the dead. No body thought that would get off the ground either.

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