Wednesday, May 25, 2005

In the Land of the Geeks, The Dork is King

Let's face facts. We are all geeks about something. I don't care how cool you think you are, there is something dorky about you that you don't go around advertising when you introduce yourself at business meetings.

So, that said, the real sport is finding people "nerdier" than you are. Are you the kind of guy who quotes Star Wars? Then the question is, do you have Jedi robes hanging in your closet? Are you a black belt martial artist? Did you go through the trouble of an international monetary transfer to get the most authentic ninja clothing possible? (Or, if you did, do you recognize the mysterious hand symbols some of these poor dorks are affecting?) Is spending hours in the basement painting your Warhammer figures not nerdy enough? Than join Darkon and have a go at full scale wargaming every other Sunday. Is bashing people with padded weapons at Darkon still not enough; do you need to create a whole persona to go with it? Try the Society for Creative Anachronism. Been LARPing lately? Been Filking with anyone?

Ever get hurt while filming your Star Wars fan movie? Do you play Scrabble? Do you play semi-professionally? Does the acronym GURPS mean something to you? Do you prefer DragonLance, Forgotten Realms, or Ebberon? Ever spend a few months linking chainmail?

1/6 Scale, anyone? Or 1/35?

Look, I don't judge you. Whatever your particular vice, enjoy it. Life is short; live hard.

1 comment:

  1. El diablo está suelto en los blogs. Pero creo que lo encontramos
    más frecuentemente entre bloggers de habla inglesa que en los blogs
    en castellano, si sólo porque los blogs en español están muy
    mal catalogados por gogle.
    Roberto Iza Valdes
