Monday, March 29, 2010

Welcome new follower

I have a new follower: mynameisbenross. Greetings. I hope you know what you're getting into here. This place can get pretty weird.

Just make yourself comfortable. We'll be getting your white robe and sandals ready. Someone will show you to your bunk. Communal dinner is at six. Once a week or so, you may be asked to read from our book of scripture during the meal. Don't worry, the comet we're all waiting to hitch a ride on isn't due back for another 88 years. Of course, now that we all have federally mandated healthcare, your life expectancy is sure to go up...

In any event, we only tithe at 23%. You're still allowed to marry, although most of the guys find it hard to get dates wearing the robes. I thought they made a nice statement; but the ladies seem to be looking for something more "hip" or "with it."
Ok, seriously... I can see you have some interest in BJJ. I'm not sure how you found your way to my corner of the InterTubes, but I'm not the most orthodox martial arts guy in any sense. Also, I'm going through a real learning phase where I'm internalizing material. I don't know how often I'll be posting on martial arts for awhile. You're welcome to stick around, but don't expect grappling hints anytime soon. I'm not that good at it yet.
BTW, can I interest you in the Bullshido forum found in the left hand column?


  1. Hahaha, I can't possibly join the ranks of Bullshido after they outed Frank Dux - I still own the Bloodsport VHS. Thank you for your generosity in your post though, honestly I cannot remember how I happened upon your blog - probably a Bujinkan post. I make no claims about understanding Hatsumi's writings, but I still like reading them. I hope you'll make it out to my blog when you get a chance.
    Have a good one!

  2. No problem.

    I don't understand Hatsumi's writing either. I don't know anybody who does. Even a guy who's known him since the 80's boom. Anyone who tells you they understand Hatsumi is lying or delusional. The pictures in the books are pretty though; especially when he dresses up in costumes.

    And Frank Dux was outed on Bullshido? The devil you say. But they made a quality Jean-Claude Van Damme movie out of his story. And there was a book, The Secret Man! It was all lies and fabrications? I am sorely disappointed, or maybe just sore...

  3. And Ben?

    Have you helped out by voting for Stacy Keibler. She needs you. Bad. Do a girl a favor...

    This goes for the rest of you mooks too!
