Sunday, December 13, 2009

As long as we're rebooting movies...

You know what would be cool? If someone took all the technical "know-how" from Lord of the Rings and the visual design and sensibility of 300 and remade Clash of the Titans! Wouldn't that be awesome?

Oh wait... They are doing that.

Okay, okay... So what if they take one of the most iconic and best-loved scenes from Fantasia and try to mix it with the modern angle of Harry Potter, with maybe a dash of the fantasy hipster favorite Harry Dresden novels... You'd get The Sorceror's Apprectice. Oh, boy...


  1. TheLoneRangeronHULU14/12/09 10:31

    What no posts on "Ninja Assassin"? I am disappointed. A thorough bloodfest..

  2. cinemaninja16/12/09 13:10

    Not as goog as "The Seven Samurai". Awesome movie. When is the remake for "The Seven Samurai" gonna start?

  3. If you were a true disciple -- like Gene Simmons (no relation) -- then you would also be reading the blogs and other websites I have helpfully listed on the left. You would've noticed that io9 reported James Cameron was rumored to be attached to a "Seven Samurai" in Space movie.

    I think that's probably a crock though.
