Friday, July 31, 2009

When I think about you...

My friend Dan, of Dan Dorman on Film, recently brought up a film (which will remain nameless) basically designed around making teenage girls' private parts tingle. I joked with him about the movie that first made me tingly. And now, I share that moment with you...
I tried to find a film of the scene. I'm sure it's out there somewhere, but... I think this is fun the way it is... Enjoy.


  1. Jeff Spicoli1/8/09 09:30

    AWSOME :)

  2. Thinking about you being tingly just robbed me of (scorched)the brain cells it would take to enjoy these pics bro. And I will never get them back. Thanx.

  3. You're all very welcome...

  4. not_a_Lace_Fan10/8/09 13:36

    If you could only be Mr. Klein for a day.

  5. Anonymous10/8/09 13:37

    oops that's Kline.
