Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer Reading

Just a few of the items in my bedside stack for the Summer reading season. I got this book at a recent used book sale. It's a real treasure.

The latest thriller from Judoka, BJJ fighter, and former CIA officer Barry Eisler. This should be good too...

A couple of paperbacks for the beach. I always try to read at least one horror novel per Summer. A lot of horror novels are crap, so there usually aren't many to choose from. The "Genghis" novel is the second in a series. In this one the KhaKhan takes on China -- guess who wins?

Some military history. A couple of updates on US Special Forces, and then a general history of the Modern US Infantryman. I'm eager to see if it is pro or con SLA Marshall's theories...

Mmmmmmmmmmmm... Brain candy. Warhammer 40K novels to read on the beach. I've let these stack up for awhile. There's not much to these really. Good guys kill aliens. Good guys get screwed. Sometimes the good guys have their souls devoured... You know, the usual.
Most of these are going to the beach with me. I generally can finish about 8 to 10 books in a week. It drives my wife crazy. I also come home with a few more books.

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