Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blog Updates

I've made some minor updates to the site. All the better to serve you!

You'll note that I've added a list of blogs I've found instructive, useful, or just plain entertaining. I'll add to it as I find more.

Apparently, I had a "Follower." This is someone who has subscribed to the blog and is notified when there are updates. I have no idea who this person is; but if any others of you would like to "follow" me please sign up. (Sorry, that's just the most hilarious notion. The notion that I'm some kind martial arts master and spiritual guru is absolutely ridiculous.)

I am considering some other upgrades, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous30/3/09 08:55

    Perhaps we are just hopeful that you may say something useful. Or we have a series of blogs that we visit and found a more efficient method to identify times when you updated your blog. Glad to see the updates. It is appreciated.
