The author is both well-researched, and well-practiced. He notes that the majority of historic manuals concentrate on unarmed defenses against the knife. He says, and I think the logic is sound, this wasn't because most medieval men went unarmed, but because knives tend to be used as ambush weapons. When an attack is launched, the defender rarely has a chance to deploy his own weapon. The defender is forced to act, initially, unarmed.
The author then cites evidence that this fact of combat has not changed. Most modern knife encounters feature an assailant with a deployed knife against an unsuspecting, unarmed defender. Food for thought.
The most common medieval dagger attack was a downward stab from the reverse grip, or what's commonly called the "psycho stab" today. The author believes this is partly from the wide-spread convention of wearing the dagger on the strong side. It was natural to perform a reverse grip and draw, raise the arm, and then stab down. This attack has great power, and can crash through half-hearted defenses.
Legal documents from the Renaissance period show that in many cases, this stab could penetrate the bones of the skull. Just ask Kit Marlowe, who might've exceeded Shakespeare's enduring fame -- except for an ill-chosen knife fight.
The psycho stab is still very common, because of its increased potential for a kill. Some studies show it is very popular in prison shankings. In case you're interested (and I know you are...), the proper way to perform the downward stab is swinging from the elbow, not the shoulder. The attacks should come rapid fire to overwhelm a defender. Your target is the head, neck,and soft spot of the shoulder just behind the collar bones. Just keep stabbing -- you'll hit something important.
This action -- which is very instinctive -- is why you'll often read of murder victims with an astounding number of wounds. Remember, "I didn't stop because he was still moving, and I was still in fear for my life.
I haven't gotten to the elegant section on dagger vs. dagger dueling yet. the unarmed section is too fascinating to rush through. It just goes to show that there is truly nothing new under the sun. Maybe I'll describe more next time...
You mean that they have knives in Prison!!!
I kept a Shank when I was down, it had a pink handle and was hot, like you JRF.
My attorney said that I should deny having a knife in jail as well as out of jail. If it does not fit, you must aquit.
Three snide comments from Shinobi.wind do not cheer me up any...
In fact, I fear it will merely kill intelligent conversation.
I almost find myself longing for the slightly patronizing tone of MLK...
I seem to have stumbled into a conversation about prison shanks. Most of the homemade edged weapons found in prison are either ice pick type weapons that are only effective for stabbing or something using a razor blade which is only effective for slashing. It is rare to find a weapon that is effective for both. Statically, ice pick weapons are far more prevalent. The problem with “psycho” type stabbings is raising ones hand over their head is visible from a distance and easily detected by security staff. Therefore most stabbings are toward that soft area above the belt using a traditional grip. Victims typically have multiple defensive wounds to the hands and forearms as well. Slashing weapons and attacks are more common among females. A female attacker is more interested in scaring their victim, although these attacks can be just as dangerous as stabbings.
Is this the intelligent discussion you desire and why are all the Hollywood Crooks posting in “OccamsBroadsword”?
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