Sunday, December 17, 2006

Yagyu Shingan Ryu Techniques

These are several techniques from different parts of the Yagyu Shingan Ryu curriculum as demonstrated in Japan a few years ago. See if you can pick out the "secret" techniques.

This is not classical koryu... But it's still fun to watch...


  1. These guys r sick. See real hard core balls out fighting at

    nothing exceeds like excess.

  2. Judging from that comment by the late G. Ford, I'm probably glad the last video has been removed from You Tube due to "use violation". You sure have a lot of porn on your site lately. Everything ok?

  3. Anonymous2/1/07 10:15

    It's 2007 man. Update this joint.

  4. Anonymous7/1/07 08:47

    i am gonna stop coming here soon. no new info. jrf- you can't tell me that it is so scary busy at the video store.... that you can't update this site. dammit man, think of the children.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A) Nothing I have posted is "Porn." Please; I've seen Boogie Nights -- I know porn. This is far tamer stuff than you get in Maxim or FHM, available at your local supermarket. Heck, it's usually tamer than the stuff in Cosmo.

    B) I have been that busy. Sorry, but true.

    C) I promise to include some killer content (including actual thoughts!) in my Sunday afternoon update.

    D) If you are posting porn in the comments section, please stop. I do not want to treat anyone like a 2 Year Old with Non-Existent Impulse Control, but I can turn on the features that will restrict the ability to post comments.

  7. Anonymous13/1/07 01:55

    AND IF YOU KIDS KIDS DON'T STOP IT..... I WILL LOOK AWAY LIKE I DON'T EVEN SEE YOU! AND DON'T MAKE ME COME BACK THERE EITHER!! Come on jrf, do you really expect us to believe that you would run this thing with no comments. Why, that would be like dating hookers without rohipnol, lime, and a crawl space.... no excitement. Stop acting like a baby.

  8. Anonymous13/1/07 01:58

    ps- thanx for deleting comments posted by others. censorship really does work dude.
