Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Oh boy...

OK, this came to my attention and I just had to click on the link. "Budo Ryu Ninjutsu?" It's a ninja train wreck! I can't believe this lady can make her claims with a straight face.

Only in America.

Now, which of you said that the Bujinkan is like a Comic Con, only without the hot chicks? Sky Ninja, was that you?


  1. jrf, She even has her own cheescake on a companion site.

  2. jrf, She even has her own cheescake on a companion site.

  3. BTW, if you're creative you can view the entry under Expressions. There are three very revealing pics entitled "Truth", "Freedom" & "Alone". Have fun!!

  4. Holy Hell!!! She is smoking!!! She is definitely the #1 contender for my next ex!! If I sign up for lessons..... maybe she will "bad touch" me. You know how martial arts teachers are.

    jrf- get her on this site. Immediately.

  5. There is no emoticon for shaking my head in mock shame on behalf of others...

    It strikes me that all to many people feel better if they can attach a series of meaningless titles to their name. Take the word, "esquire" for instance. Truly meaningless.

    I'm thinking of adding a feature to the blog in which I hand out titles and membership in a secret society. Anyone interested in adding "Grand Poobah" to their resumes?

  6. Funny you should use the title "esquire" as an example. You ROCK!!!!!

    Sure ...... sign me up for some titles.

    If a Jedi, a Mason, and a Ninja were to do battle with one another.... who do you suppose would win? Maybe we should pose this question to

    It was good seeing u this weekend mah nigguh. It was some good training and I had alot of fun.Thanx again for the TS reading material.(Ha Ha just a joke in case your boss is watching, hope the libary won't miss it.)Later Bro

  7. jrf you can answer the question. Are you not all three?

  8. Will no one save the widow's son?

  9. How may I assist you, jrf?
