Sunday, September 10, 2006


  1. Anonymous13/9/06 12:34

    Fine sentiment and I am with it, but alas...... I fear that there are many (very many) among us that would rather be all weepy and touchy feely in remembering 9-11 rather than to remember the rage that this grevious act so rightfully caused for a very short time.

    We should honor the memory of those who gallantly fell that day by eliminating the savages who plan and promote such deeds. Total war is the only answer. Through our actions, we should make war and terrorism so distasteful that our enemies no longer hunger for it.

    After all........ we did lead Japan to the path of capitalism and good behavior.

  2. Frankly, Sky Ninja, I get a little weepy about Sept. 11. I missed my work's organized tribute, which was a speech from a WTC survivor. I was afraid I'd cry too much if I went.

    I get weepy because of the tragedy, sure. I also get weepy thinking about the triumph of the human spirit all those ordinary joes in the first responders demonstrated. It's not a sad weepy, just an overwhelming emotion that I can't keep in.

    But mostly, honestly, I feel a great deal of anger. Rage, to be perfectly honest. Rage...

  3. Anonymous23/9/06 20:25

    Sitting here I feel rage too. I feel the rage boil in me that I have felt my entire life. When I was a boy playing cops and robbers.... when I thought that the cowboy with the white hat always wins....... when I thought that good always wins over evil. When I wanted to be a super hero.

    I, like many others, have put all my eggs in that basket.I have found that mankind is almost certainly rotten to the core of it and most undeserving of saving.

    Mostly because people do not want to save themselves. We have forgotten the face of our fathers.

    Bad is bad and we shrug off evil as if it were a cold. When a thug can come to this country....bad mouth the prez... and our way of life... without being killed on the spot........... well we as a society have lost.
    I and my friends will keep the watch because we are sworn to it. But freedom is not free and our talons do not sharpen themselves.
