Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Head's Up, Ladies!

According to Occams's Broadsword's best inside Hollywood sources: David Hasselhoff is back on the market!


  1. Anonymous19/1/06 10:14

    Does that qualify as borderline bestiality? In the nude with dogs on your lap?

  2. Anonymous19/1/06 10:14

    Does that qualify as borderline bestiality? In the nude with dogs on your lap?

  3. Anonymous23/1/06 10:49

    I am not into beastiality, I just wanted to try it out and see how bad it realy is.

  4. Anonymous24/1/06 19:39

    Just goes to show you that what my dad always told me is true. He would say "Son, no matter how hot a woman is... there is some guy, some where who is sick of her crap."I think he called me son because I'm so bright. Remember to count your round boys and girls.

  5. Anonymous3/2/06 18:49

    Me so hony!
