Friday, September 16, 2005

Arrgghh! September 19 is National Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Give me back my shirt, you rogue!
Which of you scalawags has my trousers?
Does this count as Pirate "booty?"

Don't believe in Talk Like A Pirate Day? Check this out.


  1. Arrrggggghhhhh!
    Shiver me timbers!

    I'll be givin' ye a whiff of grape shot, and comin' o'er yer poopdeck with me boarders!

    No quarter given!

  2. Anonymous19/9/05 09:29

    Just show me the Capt Morgan girls, and I'll show you a right nice, arghh... well you get my drift.

  3. Anonymous19/9/05 14:53

    From that site you can link and get your pirate name

  4. If ever I were a pirate, I'd be havin' a nice jacuzzi on me ship. Ye be gettin' pretty dirty in that line of work, aye!
