Wednesday, August 17, 2005

"Nun" for You!

Real quick now... This Catholic nun in the UK is upset with The Da Vinci Code filmmakers. Bet she won't get anywhere near the coverage that Cindy Sheehan gets...


  1. Anonymous18/8/05 08:25

    The voice given to Mrs Sheehan will soon be taken away. The microphones will soon leave her.

  2. What is with Catholicism and their stance on sex? Sex is a beautiful thing. It creates life, and isn't life beautiful? When in the context of a marriage, it is a powerful and binding communication of love. When misused, it can create ugly, mixed-up emotional messes, but that doesn't mean it is bad. People get so mad these days if you try to explain to them why they shouldn't sleep around and why they shouldn't have sex outside of marriage. They claim that it's none of anyone's business, which is somewhat true. They think that somehow they can bypass the emotional and physical consequences, or else that they'll just deal with the effects and everything will be OK. But our society is slowly breaking down. It is a pattern taken in many fallen societies throughout history. We think we are so learned and wise. We awe over the art and literature of the past and catagorize and catalog it. We try to recreate it and surround ourselves with it's beauty. We add to it and create our own twists to it. But then we don't really look at it and see what it could be saying about the most important aspect of life...relationships. So many people have just thrown chastity out the window without really trying to find out why it might be important. How did I end up here when the original subject was the life of a nun? Well, I just think that cellibacy and never marrying is the other end of the spectrum from adultry and fornication. They are both extremes. Moderation is the center and the way to have a balanced life. I know someone's going to disagree with me, but I don't really want to offend anyone. I'm just putting out my opinion to talk and share ideas.

  3. Anonymous18/8/05 14:57

    Ma'am? Please come in from the ledge. Everything will be alright, I promise you. You just need to step down from there and take a deep breath.

  4. Sex and Catholicism is a pretty vast topic. When you start linking it to the general breakdown of society... I just don't know where to begin.

    The Catholic position on sex is very hard for modern minds to readily grasp. It rests on the essential principle that sex is an incredible gift from God because it allows us to participate in His creation. Fornication is a perversion of this gift, and therefore wrong. The proper place for sex is within a marriage where, presumably, we can participate in creation in the context of love.

    Celibacy is a natural consequence of the clergy devoting themselves to the Church instead of a family. It is also a mark of self-sacrifice in the service of God, and a constant reminder of their commitment to their vocation.


    Faith. It comes down to Faith. Faith not only in God, but in the idea that the Catholic path is a correct path for your life. Almost every religious faith has some notion of self-sacrifice as a signal of one's devotion to God; that isn't unique to Catholics. The clergy's vow of celibacy is a Catholic expression of this notion of self-sacrifice.

    You don't have to agree. But that's as good a lay description as I can come up with for interfaith dialogue.

    And please don't get me dragged into a lengthy discussion of this. Apparently, I have to find some decent beefcake to keep my female readers interested.

  5. Anonymous18/8/05 16:07

    No beefcake. These thoughts are good. We should discuss this further.
