Of course the Tick is a trained ninja (or so durn close as as to be indistinguishable). What self-respecting superhero isn't these days? Let me start a list (feel free to add to it): Elektra, Daredevil, Wolverine, Batman, The Punisher...
I have no idea who the Crimson Chin is. So, maybe. After all, the Tick hasn't been getting much work lately. Maybe he got a visit from the Queer Eye Fab Fave and an extreme makeover in an effort to revitalize his career.
Shuriken: a.) You're a half "uhretard," so what do you know? b.) Those shuriken are plenty accurate -- depending on the Ryu. They came in all shapes and sizes. You've given me an idea for a future post on the subject; which is the only reason I'm dignifying your comment with a legitimate response.
You would not be so flippant with your remarks had you tangled with Arashikage trained ninja fighters, Tick.
ReplyDeleteActually, if any of you gaijin were a real Tick and/or ninja fan.... you would know that the tick is a trained ninja. Damn heathens.
ReplyDeleteI have a question. Are the Crimson Chin and The Tick the same guy with just different colored tights or what?
ReplyDeleteThe shuriken shown in the picture are not accurate. Why would you post such lies?
ReplyDeleteUh, ok. Where to begin?
ReplyDeleteOf course the Tick is a trained ninja (or so durn close as as to be indistinguishable). What self-respecting superhero isn't these days? Let me start a list (feel free to add to it): Elektra, Daredevil, Wolverine, Batman, The Punisher...
I have no idea who the Crimson Chin is. So, maybe. After all, the Tick hasn't been getting much work lately. Maybe he got a visit from the Queer Eye Fab Fave and an extreme makeover in an effort to revitalize his career.
Shuriken: a.) You're a half "uhretard," so what do you know? b.) Those shuriken are plenty accurate -- depending on the Ryu. They came in all shapes and sizes. You've given me an idea for a future post on the subject; which is the only reason I'm dignifying your comment with a legitimate response.
I'm surrounded by crazy dorks.
And I like it.
Holy Toledo! I thought my chin was huge! That guy has a chin you could hammer nails with.
ReplyDeleteI think I have a new hero...