Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I am simply... The Tick!

The Tick, a favorite superhero of mine, has his own take on those ninja we've reading about so much lately.


  1. Anonymous25/8/05 14:03

    You would not be so flippant with your remarks had you tangled with Arashikage trained ninja fighters, Tick.

  2. Anonymous29/8/05 21:35

    Actually, if any of you gaijin were a real Tick and/or ninja fan.... you would know that the tick is a trained ninja. Damn heathens.

  3. Anonymous29/8/05 22:06

    I have a question. Are the Crimson Chin and The Tick the same guy with just different colored tights or what?

  4. Anonymous29/8/05 22:10

    The shuriken shown in the picture are not accurate. Why would you post such lies?

  5. Uh, ok. Where to begin?

    Of course the Tick is a trained ninja (or so durn close as as to be indistinguishable). What self-respecting superhero isn't these days? Let me start a list (feel free to add to it): Elektra, Daredevil, Wolverine, Batman, The Punisher...

    I have no idea who the Crimson Chin is. So, maybe. After all, the Tick hasn't been getting much work lately. Maybe he got a visit from the Queer Eye Fab Fave and an extreme makeover in an effort to revitalize his career.

    Shuriken: a.) You're a half "uhretard," so what do you know? b.) Those shuriken are plenty accurate -- depending on the Ryu. They came in all shapes and sizes. You've given me an idea for a future post on the subject; which is the only reason I'm dignifying your comment with a legitimate response.

    I'm surrounded by crazy dorks.
    And I like it.

  6. Anonymous30/8/05 10:42

    Holy Toledo! I thought my chin was huge! That guy has a chin you could hammer nails with.

    I think I have a new hero...
