Wednesday, July 13, 2005

In Honor of the Arashikage in the Room


  1. Anonymous14/7/05 12:56

    I am honored to be included in your hallowed hall of ninja greats.

  2. You know, posting a Ninja Hall of Fame might not be a bad idea. Anyone have any suggestions who should be included? (Must be a ninja. No Kung Fu guys or Iron Chefs.)

  3. Anonymous15/7/05 10:04


    You dare to speak to me with such impertinence? I have walked the path of the shadow warrior for many years. I have mastered the secrets of "The Ear that Sees," "The Rising Phoenix," "The Sword that Flies," and "The Ghost Who Walks." All revered secrets of the ancient Arashikage Ryu. I am the last direct heir to these mysteries, and equaled in skill only by my sword-brother, The Silent Master. I am no longer "young" in the path of the warrior, but I am more than a match for a hobbyist like you.

  4. Anonymous15/7/05 13:53

    Such modesty Arashikage San.. defeat this warrior

  5. Anonymous15/7/05 14:38

    I fear no warrior as long as Larry Hama is my script writer.

  6. Anonymous16/7/05 09:30

    I would include jrf of course. He is a valuable resource of vast useful and useless (but interesting)information.

  7. Thank you, but I hardly qualify as a ninja great. That was proved in class yesterday. Maybe another ten years.
