Friday, June 17, 2005

For some of your professional needs

Most of you will never need this information. None of you want anyone to need it. But for a few of you, it's a necessity. Thank you.


  1. Anonymous20/6/05 08:29

    This one will take a while to go through..

  2. That is fabulous. Now I can track global occurrances from the comfort of my own home. I love the idea of bringing terrorism right into my home. And those analytical tools will definitely come in handy. I'll just run a graph in between diaper changes, look for any patterns or anomolies. I'll keep an eye out of my window to make sure nothing suspicious is occurring within view. And if I helplessly watch an aircraft heading towards a building, at least I'll be better informed. Seriously, though, it's purpose is probably to pacify people. There's really nothing a website like this can do for the average person except entertain. I'll definitely be checking out that Leaders & Members link and probably the Groups link.
