Sunday, June 05, 2005

Administrative Notes

I've picked up a few new readers recently, and I thought it might be a good time to make a few administrative remarks.

Publishing Schedule:
Generally, I update my blog twice weekly. I publish on Sunday Afternoons and Wednesday Evenings. The whys and wherefores are pretty mundane, but it coincides with my ability to think about what topics to post about, research them, draft some thoughts, and then get to the Internet.

My posts, unfortunately, often have spelling errors and typographic errors left in them. I apologize. As a former English Major, I would be embarrassed actually to let this tuff out in public except...

I usually type the posts with my infant daughter asleep on my chest. This makes typing somewhat difficult. Also, my time to type can be somewhat limited, which means that I can't go back to correct mistakes in old posts, and sometimes, I don't get the chance to run spellcheck before I publish to the web. Finally, I'm doing this for fun. I hope you're enjoying it too. I'm not going to stress about a few typos every now and then. When my daughter is old enough to play quietly on the floor next to me, I'll make an effort to be more professional. Neatness should count.

I make an effort to keep my links clean and family friendly. I'm no prude, but some people read this on their work stations (naughty-naughty) and I don't want the Thought Police in the basement sending the anti-porn SWAT Teams running up the stairs. If you post a link in the comments section, I ask you to be respectful of this. At the very least, warn potential users that the link is "hot" in more ways than one.

I can't promise that all links are free of viruses, trojan horses, spyware and the like. Link at your own risk on that issue.

After every posting there is a line. Below the line is some "publishing" information on the post. The last entry is a hotlink to a comments section. This is your opportunity to provide feedback! I encourage all readers to leave comments about the posts. It gives me an idea of who is reading the blog, and what they know about the topics. In a short article, often many things I could've put in are left out. If you have questions, post them. If I have time, I will try to answer them. If you have answers to questions I raise in the post, or in someone else's comments, post them. Others will benefit from your knowledge of trivia. If you have better links than I do about certain topics, post them! We all want to see them. Sometimes I choose a link because it was funny, or convenient. I can't always promise that my link is the best link for any given topic.

I think this will be much more fun if other people start to contribute. Try it out, we;ll see what develops.

As I said in my first post... I might believe some of this stuff. I don't believe all of it. I don't believe anything without proof.

I am trying to write interesting articles and I am writing from my perspective only. I do try to respect other people's opinions -- at least in public. If you have a major problem with one of my opinions, that's fine with me as long as you keep reading. I'm just like Howard Stern in that respect. I don't expect everyone to agree with me on everything I post about. While I am trying to steer clear of obvious contemporary minefields (Abortion, Terry Schiavo-like episodes, stem cell research, blah, blah, blah), I expect I'll run into something, someday that pisses off somebody. Remember, I'm writing for fun -- let's not take this all too seriously.

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