So my goal is to complete a Viking costume by Halloween. Not one of those store-bought, plastic helmet with horns costumes. No, a decent personally-sewn, wool and leather and bronze and steel, (reasonably) historically-accurate Viking costume. I'm willing to make some concessions. I might run out of resources for a mail hauberk or helmet by my deadline, but I'm pretty sure I can get the average daily-wear outfit together by then.
The trick is to make as much of it myself as I can. So to that end, I've already made a few orders for supplies and instructional material. From time-to-time, you should see some updates on various parts of the project. So watch this space. In the meantime, you can look back for posts on some parts I already have together, like my battle axe, my sax, and the shield I made a couple of years ago.
So does this make me a LARPing geek? Yeah, probably. So what? Everyone's got their thing; at least I'm not wasting the money on crack. When complete, this should be a pretty awesome arts-and-crafts project.