Any out there besides me remember The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the 8th Dimension? The hero was a rock n rollin', philosophy spoutin', six-gun slingin', neurosurgeon/astrophysicist, and probably a bunch of other things. This was a geek-fest starring Peter Weller in the title roll, Jeff Goldblum as his chief sidekick, opposing the evil antics of John Lithgow and Christopher Lloyd. To be fair, the idea of a pulp action hero with as much in the brians department as the brwn department isn't new. Doc Savage, the man of bronze, was plying those waters many, many years ago. But, you never got the sense from Peter Weller that Dr. Banzai's churning waters ran very deep.
So imagine my surprise when I learned Peter Weller, man of a thousand faces, and film super hero, had an alter ego...
It seems Mr. Weller is, in fact, working towards his PhD in Italian Renaissance Art from UCLA. He already holds Master's Degrees in Roman and Renaissance Art. And this is no lark... like any aspiring academic, he actually teaches classes, writes papers, and lectures! And he seems to have a sense of humor about it too. Here's a quote regarding the fact that his classes are so hard he actually loses many students after the first class: "They thought they were going to get the easy A from old RoboCop." Why would they think that? Don't they realize RoboCop is one badass mother... Sorry, I was just talking about RoboCop.
You mean that "Robocop", "Robocop 2" and "Robocop 3" are not big important movies?
I always thought that Robocop was a roll model for all law enforcement personel
I was not impressed with Robocop.
Real cops don't like Robocop.
Mr. Horiuchi,
I thing oyur Law Enforcement Career has been too contraversal for you to be commenting in this sacred forum
Of course the question was, do you remember The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the 8th Dimension? Of course I do. It's a classic. A warning though. Be careful the who you choose to watch it with. The first time I saw it was with a group of friends. Picking out a movie at the local rental place, I said, "Hey, I hear this is a great movie, let's get this one." I loved it. Super cool. I then woke my friends to share my joy. They hated it. So it is definitely not for everyone. BTW, I also really enjoyed the first Robocop. I am having a little trouble with the ED-209 that I am building in my basement. Having trouble getting it up the stairs. I understand this is a common problem.
Tear the tampon string off it maybe. That should help with the stairs Nancy!
You forgot this memorable role
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